CARE | Emory Collaboration
* Indicates student project; § Indicates CARE staff
Yount K.M., Clark C.J., Bergenfeld I., Khan Z., Cheong Y.F., Kalra S.§ , Sharma S., Ghimire S., Naved R., Parvin K., Al Mamun M., Talukder A., Laterra A.§ , and Sprinkel A§ . Impact Evaluation of the Care Tipping Point Initiative in Nepal: Study Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial. BMJ Open.
Erhart-Ohren B.*, Schroffel H.§ , Rochat R. Integrated Family Planning and Routine Child Immunization Services in Benin: A Process Evaluation. Maternal and Child Health Journal.
Snyder J.S., Prentice-Mott G.*, Boera C. § , Mwaki A. § , Alexander K.T. § , Freeman M.C. The sustainability and scalability of private sector sanitation service delivery in urban informal settlement schools: A mixed methods follow up of a randomized trial in Nairobi, Kenya. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Chard A.*, Trinies V., Edmonds C.J., Sogore A., Freeman M.C. The impact of water consumption on hydration and cognition among schoolchildren: Methods and results from a crossover trial in Mali. PLoS ONE.
Mehta R.*, Martorell R, Chaudhuri I. § , Girard AW, Ramakrishnan U, Verma P. § , Kekre P, Srikantiah S. § , Young MF. Use of monitoring data to improve implementation of a home fortification program in Bihar, India. Maternal and Child Nutrition.
Owais A.*, Suchdev P.S., Schwartz B., Kleinbaum D.G., Faruque A.S.G., Das S.K., Stein A.D. Maternal knowledge and attitudes towards complementary feeding in relation to its timely initiation in rural Bangladesh. BMC Nutrition.
Roshania, R., Giri, R. § , Young, M.F., Mala, GS., Girard, AW., Cunningham, SA., Das, A. § , Mahapatra, T. § , Srikantiah, S § , Ramakrishnan, U. Child Nutrition Among Circular Migrant Families Working in the Brick Kilns of Bihar, India (P10-052-19). Current Developments in Nutrition.
Gosdin L., Martorell R., Bartolini R.M., Mehta R., Srikantiah S., Young M.F. The co-occurrence of anaemia and stunting in young children. Maternal and Child Nutrition.
Larson L.M.*, Young M.F., Bauer P.J., Mehta R., Girard A.W., Ramakrishnan V.P. § , Chaudhuri I. § , Srikantiah S. § , Martorell R. Effectiveness of a home fortification programme with multiple micronutrients on infant and young child development: a cluster-randomised trial in rural Bihar, India. British Journal of Nutrition.
Moss D.M., Handali S., Chard A.C.*, Trinies V., Bullard S., Wiegand W., Doumbia S., Freeman M.C., Lammie P.J. Detection of immoglobulin G anibodies to Taenia solium cysticercosis anitgen glutathione-Stransferase-rT24H in Malian children using multiplex bead assay. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Wendt A.S.*, Stephenson R., Young M.F., Verma P.§ , Srikantiah S.§ , Webb-Girard A., Hogue C.J., Ramakrishnan U., Martorell R. Identifying bottlenecks in the iron and folic acid supply chain in Bihar, India: a mixed-methods study. BMC Health Services Research.
Young M.F., Girard A.W., Mehta R.*, Srikantiah S.§ , Gosdin L.*, MenonP., RamakrishnanU., Martorell R., Avula R. Acceptability of multiple micronutrient powders and iron syrup in Bihar, India. Maternal and Child Nutrition.
Garn J.V., Trinies V., Toubkiss J., Freeman M.C. The Role of Adherence on the Impact of a School-Based Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Intervention in Mali. American Journal Tropical Medicine and Hygeine.
Girod C.*, Ellis A., Andes K.L., Freeman M.C., Caruso B.A. Physical, Social, and Political Inequities Constraining Girls' Menstrual Management at Schools in Informal Settlements of Nairobi, Kenya. Journal of Urban Health.
Larson* L.M., Young M.F., Ramakrishnan U., Girard A.W., Verma P.§ , Chaudhuri I.§ , Srikantiah S.§ , Martorell R. A Cross-Sectional Survey in Rural Bihar, India, Indicates That Nutritional Status, Diet, and Stimulation Are Associated with Motor and Mental Development in Young Children. Journal of Nutrition.
Moss D., Chard A., Trinies V., Doumbia S., Freeman M.C., Lammie P. Serological response to fiarial antigens in Malain children attending elementary schools. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Owais A.*, Schwartz B., Kleinbaum D.G., Suchdev P.S., Faruque A.S.G., Das S.K., Rahman S., Stein. A Nutrition Education Program in Rural Bangladesh Was Associated with Improved Feeding Practices but Not with Child Growth. Journal of Nutrition.
Rogier E., Moss D.M., Chard A.N.*, Trinies V., Doumbia S., Freeman M.C., Lammie P.J. Evaluation of immunoglobulin g responses to Plasmodium falciparum and P. vivax in Malian school children using multiplex bead assay. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Alexander K.T.§ , Mwaki A.§ , Adhiambo D.§ , Cheney-Coker M.§ , Muga R., Freeman MC. The life-cycle costs of school water, sanitation and hygiene access in Kenyan primary schools. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Bohnert K.*, Chard A.N.*, Mwaki A.§ , Kirby A.E., Muga R., Nagel C.L., Thomas E.A., Freeman M.C. Comparing sanitation delivery modalities in urban informal settlement schools: A randomized trial in Nairobi, Kenya. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Garn J.V.*, Brumback B.A., Drews-Botsch C.D., Lash T.L., Kramer M.R., Freeman M.C. Estimating the effect of school water, sanitation, and hygiene improvements on pupil health outcomes. Epidemiology.
Owais A.*, Kleinbaum D.G., Suchdev P.S., Faruque A.S.G., Das S.K., Stein A.D. Household food security and infant feeding practices in rural Bangladesh. Public Health Nutrition.
Owais A.*, Schwartz B., Kleinbaum DG, Suchdev PS, Faruque ASG, Das SK, Stein AD. Minimum Acceptable Diet at 9 Months but Not Exclusive Breastfeeding at 3 Months or Timely Complementary Feeding Initiation Is Predictive of Infant Growth in Rural Bangladesh. PLoS One.
Thomas J.S.*, Yu E.A.*, Tirmizi N., Owais A.*, Faruque A.S.G., Das S.K., Rahman S., Schwartz B., Stein A.D. Maternal knowledge, attitudes and self-efficacy in relation to intention to exclusively breastfeed among pregnant women in rural Bangladesh. Maternal and Child Health Journal.
Yu E.A.*, Thomas J.S.*, Tirmizi N., Owais A.*, Faruque A.S.G., Das S.K., Rahman S., Schwartz B., Stein A.D. Maternal prenatal attitudes and postnatal breast-feeding behaviours in rural Bangladesh. Public Health Nutrition.
Caruso B.A.*, Freeman M.C., Garn J.V., Dreibelbis R., Saboori S., Muga R., Rheingans R. Assessing the impact of a school-based latrine cleaning and handwashing program on pupil absence in Nyanza Province, Kenya: A cluster-randomized trial. Tropical Medicine and International Health.
Caruso, B.A., Dreibelbis R., Ogutu E.A., Rheingans R. If you build it will they come? Factors influencing rural primary pupils' urination and defecation practices at school in western Kenya. Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development.
Dreibelbis R., Freeman M.C., Greene L.E., Saboori S., Rheingans R. The impact of school water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions on the health of younger siblings of school-going pupils: A cluster-randomized trial. American Journal of Public Health.
Freeman M.C.*, Clasen T., Dreibelbis R., Greene L.E., Saboori S., Brumback B., Muga R., Rheingans R. The impact of a school-based water supply and treatment, hygiene, and sanitation programme on pupil diarrhoea: A cluster-randomized trial. Epidemiology and Infection.
Garn J.V.*, Caruso B.A., Drews-Botsch C.D., Kramer M.R., Brumback B.A., Rheingans R.D., Freeman M.C. Factors associated with pupil toilet latrine use in Kenyan primary schools. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Gass K.*, Addiss D.G., Freeman M.C. Exploring the relationship between access to water, sanitation and hygiene and soil-transmitted helminth infection: A demonstration of two recursive partitioning tools. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
Saboori S., Nyako G. § , Rheingans R.D. Large-scale school rainwater harvesting systems: A pilot study in Nyanza Province, Kenya. Waterlines.
Alexander K.§ , Dreibelbis R., Freeman M.C., Ojeny B.§ , Rheingans R. Improving service delivery of water, sanitation, and hygiene in primary schools: A cluster-randomized trial in Western Kenya. Journal of Water and Health.
Dreibelbis R., Greene L.E., Freeman M.C., Saboori S., Chase R., Rheingans R. Water, sanitation, and primary school attendance: A multi-level assessment of determinants of household-reported absence in Kenya. International Journal of Education Development.
Garn J.*, Greene L.E., Dreibelbis R., Saboori S., Rheingans R., Freeman M.C.§ . A cluster-randomized trial assessing the impact of school water, sanitation, and hygiene improvements on pupil enrollment and gender parity in enrollment. Journal of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene for Development.
Owais A.*, Faruque A.S.G., Das S., Rahman S., Stein A.D.. Maternal and antenatal risk factors for stillbirths and neonatal mortality in rural Bangladesh: a case-control study. PLoS One.
Saboori S.*, Greene L.E., Moe C.L., Freeman M.C., Caruso B.A., Akoko D., Rheingans R.D. Impact of regular soap provision to primary schools on hand washing and E. coli hand contamination among pupils in Nyanza Province, Kenya: a cluster-randomized trial. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
Freeman M.C., Greene L.E., Dreibelbis R., Saboori S., Muga R., Brumback B., Rheingans R. Assessing the impact of a school-based water treatment, hygiene and sanitation programme on pupil absence in Nyanza Province, Kenya: A cluster-randomized trial. Tropical Medicine and International Health.
Greene L.E., Freeman M.C., Akoko D., Saboori S., Moe C.L., Rheingans R. Impact of a school-based hygiene promotion and sanitation intervention on pupil hand contamination in Western Kenya: a cluster randomized trial. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
McMahon S., Caruso, B. A., Obure, A., Okumu, F. § , & Rheingans, R.D. Anal cleansing practices and faecal contamination: a preliminary investigation of behaviours and conditions in schools in rural Nyanza Province, Kenya. Tropical Medicine and International Health.
McMahon S.A., Winch, P.J., Causo, B.A., Obure, A.F., Ogutu, E.A., Ochari, I.A. § , Rheingans, R.D. 'The girl with her period is the one to hang her head' Reflections on menstrual management among schoolgirls in rural Kenya. BMC International Health and Human Rights.
Saboori S., Mwaki A.§ , Oketch B.§ , Porter S.*, Freeman M.C., Rheingans R. Sustaining school washing and water treatment programmes: Lessons learned and to be learned. Waterlines.
Saboori S., Mwaki A. § , Rheingans R.D. Is soapy water a viable solution for handwashing in schools? Waterlines.
Freeman M.C., Quick R.E., Ougtu P. § , Abbott D.P., Rheingans R. Increasing equity of access to point-of-use water treatment products through social marketing and entrepreneurship: A case study in Western Kenya. Journal of Water and Health.
O’Reilly C.E., Freeman M.C.*, Ravani M., Migele J.§ , Mwaki A.§ , Ayalo M.§ , Ombeki S.§ , Hoekstra R.M., Quick R. The impact of a school-based safe water and hygiene programme on knowledge and practices of students and their parents: Nyanza Province, Western Kenya, 2006. Epidemiology and Infection.