
 NEISE works with faculty at Emory University on identifying achedemic courses with learning objectives focused on evaluation and implementation sciences training. Visit the Rollins School of Public Health and Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing for more detailed information regarding courses listed below. Subscribe to the NEISE listserv to stay updated on implementation science training opportunities at Emory.

Rollins School of Public Health

BSHE 725: Health Promotion Interventions (4 Credit Hours)

The purpose of this course is to provide doctoral students with a deep understanding of the conceptual frameworks, values, and assumptions underlying a range of intervention strategies for solving public health problems. The course will also examine intervention design, implementation, and evaluation across various levels of social ecology. 

GH 560: Monitoring and Evaluation of Global Public Health Programs (3 Credit Hours)

Provides students with the technical skills to conceptualize and design process and impact evaluations of international public health programs or projects. Helps students understand the role of monitoring and evaluation in policy analysis, planning, program design and management

GH 565: Development Monitoring and Evaluation Plans for Public Health (2 Credit Hours)

This course provides students with an introduction to monitoring and evaluation for public health, including theory of change and the development of problem trees, logical frameworks, and indicators. Students will learn how to develop monitoring systems, conduct process and adequacy evaluation. We discuss the role of M&E in global public health, common pitfalls and challenges, the role of M&E in setting policy, and stakeholder engagement. The course will include a mix of didactic lectures, in-class activities, and breakout group sessions. By the end of the course, students will have developed the understanding and skills to develop an M&E plan for global health projects and programs. 

GH 544: Field Trials and Intervention Studies (2 Credit Hours)

This course will develop understanding of design, conduct, and analysis of field trials and intervention studies. The course will focus on methods relevant to community and facility based trials in resource poor settings. However, several skills covered in this course will also be applicable to field and clinical trials in developed countries.

GH 509: Translation and Implementation Sciences (2 Credit Hours)

This course aims to introduce students to translation of scientific knowledge into real-world implementation (policy, practice, behavior change). The course covers: determining burdens; identifying proven interventions and barriers that impede implementation; designing innovative and creative solutions, and the studies to test these; and informed decision-making as well as implementation and sustainability. Students will be exposed to case studies of health interventions globally, which illustrate theoretical concepts while providing inspiration and motivation.


Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing  

NRSG 720D: Collaboration and Transformation for Population Health (2 Credit Hours)

Practice scholars require communication and collaborative skills for building strategic alliances and creating cross-disciplinary solutions to health problems. Theories and evidence on collaboration are used to mobilize intersectoral stakeholders as agents for improving a defined health problem.  

NRSG 718D: Population Adaptive Solutions (1 Credit Hour)

A new century of practice experts require comprehensive skills to translate research into concrete strategies that transform health and systems of care. This practice-based course enables learners to customize research- and program-solutions to a specific populations and health problems. 

NRSG 715D: DNP Project Development I (0 Credit Hours)

This first course in a 3-course series provides the foundation for students to identify key theories and concepts associated with their inquiry and to conduct a literature review to support their project proposal. Comprehensive search strategies and skills in literature synthesis will be included.